The manager oversees and leads the organization, and reports to the steering committee. The manager also has to organize the scientific animation within the community with the aim of sharing experiences and skills from all the users. Seminars, scientific workshops and conferences will be organized to that purpose. He or she is appointed for a period of two years by the steering committee.
The Manager: Brice Goglin (Inria)
Steering Committee
The aim of the steering committee is to ensure scientific, technical and financial decisions for the platform. It also has a prospective responsibility. It has to define the use policy, validate various suggestions from the user and technical committees. It convenes when needed, it may mandate a representation committee who will be authorized to make technical decisions. It is composed of executives partners, the manager and a member of the technical and user committees.
Executive Committee
Its objective is to help the manager to prepare the decisions for a good functioning of the platform. It is composed of a representative of every partner and the scientific person in charge.
User Committee
The User committee acts as an intermediary between the users and the steering committee by collecting information aiming to improve the platform usage. It is also the place to talk about the platform fair use policy, hardware and software evolutions and upgrades, scientific and technical workshops. It will convene regularly (at least once per year). It is composed of a representative of all the scientific teams involved in the platform from the different partners, a member of the technical committee and the manager.
The minutes of the meetings are available on the site
Research Team | Name |
Inria ASTRAL | Pierrick Legrand |
Inria CAGIRE | Vincent Perrier |
Inria CARDAMON | Heloïse Beaugendre |
Inria CARMEN | TBD |
Inria CONCACE | Emmanuel Agullo |
Inria FLOWERS | Clement Romac |
Inria GEOSTAT | Nicolas Brodu |
Inria LFANT | Bill Alombert |
Inria MAKUTU | Julien Diaz |
Inria MEMPHIS | Michel Bergmann |
Inria MNEMOSYNE | Xavier Hinaut |
Inria MONC | Olivier Saut |
Inria PLEIADE | David Sherman |
Inria SISTM | Mélanie Prague |
Inria STORM | Amina Guermouche |
Inria TADAAM | Clement Barthelemy |
Inria TOPAL | Abdou Guermouche |
IMB IOP | Baudouin Denis de Senneville |
IMB CSM | Khodor Khadra |
LaBRI CombAlgo | Sebastien Labbe |
LaBRI IS | Romain Pacanowski |
LaBRI M2F | Laurent Simon |
Technical Committee Representative | Nathalie Furmento |
Technical committee
The Technical committee is in charge of the technical aspects of the platform. It suggests technical evolutions and supervises implementation of the steering committee decisions. It convenes at least once every two months. It is composed of IT engineers or HPC developers involved in the platform and representative of the PlaFRIM partners, as well as the manager. The committee appoints its representative for two years, the representative will participate in the steering committee.
Name | Institution/Unit |
François Rue | Inria SED |
Nathalie Furmento | LaBRI – CNRS |
Julien Lelaurain | Inria DSI |
Loïc Sirvin | Inria DSI |